
The heart of the Christian community is our Triune Lord: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Geography, history, and numbers are not the heart, but probably I will type mostly on these topics. As the internet already provides many encouraging spiritual guides and discouraging contentious forums, I intend to offer neither.
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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Bishop Barres visits Seaford 3.2.2025

Bishop John Oliver Barres offered the 9 a.m. Mass at St. William the Abbot, Seaford, March 2, 2025. He thanked Father Joseph Fitzgerald for his work and extended his role as pastor for a second six-year term. The bishop also said that Fr. Fitzgerald will be a chaplain at the Olympic Games that open in Los Angeles July 14, 2028.


Today's selection of readings and the responsorial psalm exemplifies the rich introduction of the three-year cycle effective Palm Sunday, 1970.  Psalm 92: Lord it is good to give thanks to you.