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Friday, May 11, 2018


Some parishes in central Europe celebrate Jesus's Ascension with a statue hoisted roofward. The link below shows the sequence in Ansing, Bavaria.
Link HERE.
On YouTube, Ascension Thursday in Mittenwald, Bavaria, link HERE.
The Gregorian chant Introit is "Viri Galilaei ... why are you looking?" from Acts 1.
As entrance hymn, our parish sang "Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise," by Charles Wesley, its five stanzas clearly rejoicing over the rising to heaven more than the rising from the tomb.
A verse of Psalm 47 is found in the seldom-heard Introit, but we sang six verses of it as the Responsorial Psalm. Likewise, Wesley's hymn echoes the same prayers and praise.
At Communion, we sang Robert Dufford's "Be Not Afraid." I then realized that the hymn is not especially a funeral hymn but rather one of instruction to the Apostles at the Ascension. (Am I correct?)
The recessional was written by an upstate New Yorker, Leon M. Adkins. "Go, make of all disciples" clearly references today's Gospel.