
The heart of the Christian community is our Triune Lord: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Geography, history, and numbers are not the heart, but probably I will type mostly on these topics. As the internet already provides many encouraging spiritual guides and discouraging contentious forums, I intend to offer neither.
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Friday, July 10, 2015

Appointments, effective June 24, 2015

The diocesan website has published a four-page list of the appointment of new pastors, administrators, and associate pastors, effective June 24, 2015.  The link is HERE.
In Nassau County, I note new pastors for St. Boniface (Sea Cliff), St. Barnabas (Bellmore), Our Lady of Mercy (Hicksville), St. Mary (Manhasset), and St. Aloysius (Great Neck). About eighteen associate pastors moved to a different parish.
On a separate page is a list of fourteen associate pastors that have been reappointed.