
The heart of the Christian community is our Triune Lord: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Geography, history, and numbers are not the heart, but probably I will type mostly on these topics. As the internet already provides many encouraging spiritual guides and discouraging contentious forums, I intend to offer neither.
To find a parish, enter a keyword in the search box at the top left, or look through the labels and links down the right-hand column. The posts themselves follow the Blogger format of newest items on top.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Hymn, Crown Him with Many Crowns

Today, the Feast of Christ the King, the pre-recorded Mass from the Passionist Fathers, had as recessional the hymn "Crown Him with Many Crowns, the Lamb upon his Throne." The hymnist is Matthew Bridges, 1800-1894, who penned this hymn after he embraced the Roman Catholic church around 1846.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Hymn, We Gather Together

On Sunday, November 10, 2024, the entrance hymn was "We Gather Together to Ask the Lord's Blessings," strong in purpose and of fascinating history. Our translation may have been done by Theodore Baker, 1851 - 1934.

In the Spanish-ruled Netherlands of 1597, Adrianus Valerius, Dutch Protestant, wrote it to celebrate a military victory. Spain forbade Protestant religious celebrations. Careful! The various English translations are inexact. The Dutch hymn begins, "Wilt heden nu treden, perhaps "Will you now take steps..."

Please see the Wikipedia article linked HERE.

Monday, August 5, 2024

From Valley Stream to Boston

The large archdiocese of Boston will receive a new archbishop in October, namely Rev. Richard Henning, native of Valley Stream and Holy Name of Jesus parish.

The cathedral is close to downtown Boston, at 1400 Washington Street. (Careful! Boston has several Washington Streets!)

The four-storey chancery in the south suburb of Braintree was a 2007 acquisition. The donor, Tom Flatley, charged the archdiocese $100 for the sale! In my opinion, the location is good only for those who have the use of a car. The nearest T station is more than two miles away. Yet, I admire the gift. It is about ten miles south of the cathedral. 


Saturday, July 6, 2024

Reassignments of priests in DRVC

The Rockville Centre diocesan website has THIS LINK to seven pages of priest appointments, generally effective the end of June, 2024.


In Nassau County, I see new pastors at Hewlett-Cedarhurst-Inwood, Bellmore, New Hyde Park, Roslyn, and Valley Stream. A priest from Poland will administer both St. Ladislaw, Hempstead, and St. Hedwig, Floral Park.


There are many appointments of parochical vicars (otherwise called assistants or curates.)


Little by little, I will attempt to explain the abbreviations used by religious orders and congregations.

First of all, O.P. stands for the Order of Preachers or Dominican Friars, who are taking charge of St. Barnabas parish, Bellmore.

The new pastor at St. Mary, Roslyn, is a priest of F.M.H., Franciscan Missionaries of Hope, based in Nairobi, Kenya.

The auxiliary bishop Luis Romero, is M. Id. the Idente Missonaries founded a hundred years ago in Spain by the layman Fernando Rielo. Bishop Romero is now administrator at Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Wyandanch. In the late 1940's, Mom brought us walking from friends on Winter Avenue to OLMM.

Appointed as parochial vicar to Our Lady of Mercy, Hicksville, is Rev. Regimond Benedict, O.I.C., the initials of the Order of the Imitation of Christ, an Eastern Rite Catholic from India. His rite appears to be Syro-Malankara, as in Elmont. It seems that both Catholic and Orthodox groups exist with the name and history of the Order of the Imitation of Christ.

Two priests are listed as C.M., Congregation of the Mission also called the Vincentians.

One, assigned to Huntington Station, is from South India. The other, assigned to Sea Cliff and Glen Cove, is from Poland. I find it remarkable that the congregation founded by St. Vincent de Paul in Paris now sends Polish and Indian priests to the dioceses of  Brooklyn and Rockville Centre.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Hymn at Pentecost

Our music director made several good choices for Pentecost today. Among the songs at Communion was "Breathe on me, breath of God" by Edwin Hatch. An excellent commentary, courtesy of Methodists, is linked HERE.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Hymn for Transfiguration

Today's Gospel was from Mark 9, an account of the Transfiguration. Peter said, "Rabbi, it is good that we are  here." Our processional hymn today was Joseph A. Robinson's " 'Tis good, Lord, to be here." I wonder whether the composer was this Joseph Robinson (1815-1898)

Friday, February 2, 2024

Syro-Malankara Catholics in Elmont

Please note this event at what was (or still is partially) the Parish of Saint Vincent de Paul in Elmont.

The Syro-Malankara rite is Catholic and in the USA has its own bishop or Exarch.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Order of Preachers to Bellmore

Bishop John Barres has given care of St. Barnabas Parish, Bellmore, to the Saint Joseph Province of the Dominican Friars.
Please see this report from the Friars.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Syosset's Our Lady of Mercy Academy will close

Sad to report. but Our Lady of Mercy Academy in Syosset will close permanently at the end of June. Please see news reports in Newsday of 1.9.2024 and various parts of the school's website https://olma.org/about/closure-faq/

The cause of the closure is low enrollment. According to Newsday, peak enrollment of 525 was attained in the 1970's. This year's freshmen number 37. I note that Syosset's population was largely Jewish, now becoming more Asian. To the north, St. Dominic's offered a Catholic high school. To the south, Holy Trinity Diocesan High School in Hicksville draws numbers.

I tend to trust James Conant's 1959 opinion that a high school should have at least 100 graduates per year in order to offer a broad curriculum.